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Posts posted by TwitchCaptain

  1. 21 hours ago, LumberJackGeek said:

    Alright, after dumping several hours into "unpackerr" speaking with the dev on discord, i do not recommend unpackerr as a solution. The dev is ignorant and refuses to make any improvements, and when i offered to fix the bugs myself, he said he would reject them, highly recommend anyone who is considering this project to look elsewhere

    That's simply not how our conversation went. Anyone who wants to read it is welcome to join my Discord and check it out: https://golift.io/discord


    While you're there, checkout the hundreds of people I've helped; just scroll up. Look how much time I gave LumberJack trying to help him with his 2700 items stuck in the Sonarr queue. I even solicited help from nitsua and bakerboy when I was stumped. I've closed 137 issues, most of them opened by other people: https://github.com/davidnewhall/unpackerr/issues.


    I'm an asshole, but calling me ignorant because you don't know how to use the software that I've put 3 free years into is a bit much. Telling people I refuse to make the software better is an outright lie. These words you've chosen make you an entitled prick. You said you can fix it, so fork it and fix it, and quit telling people to look for solutions besides unpackerr; none exist. 


    Better check your attitude in the community of free software. Good luck.



    -The Unpackerr Dev

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  2. Squid/dockerPolice:


    Why not just let folks add their own repo URLs, like apt and yum have done forever. I'd like to publish an xml description of my app in my own repo, tell my users how to install it, and not deal with others repos at all. How do we get there? You know how GitHub and DockerHub avoid these confrontations? They don't dictate which software they'll allow users to download.


    Clearly users want more software choice, not less.  The hoops devs have to jump through to get things they make into CA is not ideal. As a dev, I've never been confused by software/container choice, but I have been repeatedly astounded by how this system is put together, operates and moderates.  I am willing to cite specific examples of things that have astounded me, but I'm more interested in how we move past a system that prevents access to software.


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