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Posts posted by Nilok3

  1. Hello all. Whenever I run this docker container I get the following error: "chown: /home/docker/backups: Operation not permitted". I"m fairly sure this is because I'm trying to save all the github files to a harddrive that is not apart of the main Unraid array, but I'm not sure how to fix the permission error. It is specifically failing on line 20 (chown -R nobody /home/docker/backups) of the backup.sh script. Is there a way to give the container the permission it needs to save the files?

  2. For some reason that I don't understand every time Backup Appdata is run (I have it set to run weekly on Wednesday at 3AM) the entire server restarts. I can post logs if needed, but I'm just curious if I'm overlooking something or have enabled something in the settings for Backup / Restore Appdata to cause this. Thank you for giving this a read.


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