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Everything posted by Nilok3

  1. Hello all. Whenever I run this docker container I get the following error: "chown: /home/docker/backups: Operation not permitted". I"m fairly sure this is because I'm trying to save all the github files to a harddrive that is not apart of the main Unraid array, but I'm not sure how to fix the permission error. It is specifically failing on line 20 (chown -R nobody /home/docker/backups) of the backup.sh script. Is there a way to give the container the permission it needs to save the files?
  2. I apologize if this question has been asked before, but is there a log file for this plugin saved somewhere? Verifying the backups seems to take way longer than I think it should and I'm curious if it's getting stuck somewhere.
  3. Interesting. I'll keep keep running my syslog server then and collecting the logs. I'll keep trying to replicate the error I got.
  4. Well I setup the syslog server and was planning to try to replicate the error when I got an alert that there was an update for the Backup / Restore Appdata plugin. I updated it and then manually ran the backup and now there is no error anymore. Guess that fixed it haha. Thank you for your help!
  5. Here is my diagnostics zip. Let me know if you need anything else. borg-diagnostics-20201021-1211.zip
  6. For some reason that I don't understand every time Backup Appdata is run (I have it set to run weekly on Wednesday at 3AM) the entire server restarts. I can post logs if needed, but I'm just curious if I'm overlooking something or have enabled something in the settings for Backup / Restore Appdata to cause this. Thank you for giving this a read.
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