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Posts posted by ptchernegovski

  1. 4 hours ago, NebN said:


    I understand.


    The API currently sends both "total" and separate disk / network data. You need to change your homepage configuration in order to see the information displayed separately. While trying it out myself I found out that currently the disks / network data is being sent in an unpredictable order, so for now the solution I will show you might change the order of the results when the API gets called each time. I have opened an issue to fix this (https://github.com/NebN/unraid-simple-monitoring-api/issues/3).


    This is what you have to do in services.yaml:

    If you wish to have "horizontal" data (max 4), you need to grab the data in the "cache" field, this example and screenshot is using the "array" field, as I do not have more than one cache mount to test this with, just change "array" to "cache". You can change the "label" to whatever you prefer, but unfortunately since the order of the disks in the response is random at the moment it does not make much sense to name them something like "disk0", "disk1".



    # This will create 4 horizontal groups from the first 4 disks in the array
    - Unraid:
        icon: unraid.png
        href: http://your-unraid-ip
          type: customapi
          url: http://your-unraid-ip:24940
          method: GET
            - field:
                array: # change this to "cache" if you want cache data
                  0: free # first item in the response, reading field "free"
              label: Free
              format: number
              suffix: "GiB"
            - field:
                array: # change this to "cache" if you want cache data
                  1: free # second item in the response, reading field "free"
               label: Free
               format: number
               suffix: "GiB"
             - field:
                 array: # change this to "cache" if you want cache data (and have 3 cache mounts)
                   2: free # third item in the response, reading field "free"
               label: Free
               format: number
               suffix: "GiB"
             - field:
                 array: # change this to "cache" if you want cache data (and have 4 cache mounts)
                   3: free # fourth item in the response, reading field "free"
               label: Free
               format: number
               suffix: "GiB"


    Alternatively, you can add as many items as you want (I think) if you activate "display: list". Like this


    # This will create a list view of the first 5 disks in the array
    - Unraid:
        icon: unraid.png
        href: http://<your-unraid-ip>
          type: customapi
          url: http://<your-unraid-ip>:24940
          method: GET
          display: list # <-- this is the line to add to enable list view and see more than 4 items
            - field:
                array: # or cache
                  0: free
              label: Free
              format: number
              suffix: "GiB"
            - field:
                array: # or cache
                  1: free
              label: Free
              format: number
              suffix: "GiB"
            - field:
                array: # or cache
                  2: free
              label: Free
              format: number
              suffix: "GiB"
            - field:
                array: # or cache
                  3: free
              label: Free
              format: number
              suffix: "GiB"
            - field:
                array: # or cache
                  4: free
              label: Free
              format: number
              suffix: "GiB"



    You can read more about this on the official Homepage documentation on Custom API Widget



    P.S.: You can open up your browser to http://your-unraid-api:24940/ to see what data is being sent, so you see what you have available to read from  Homepage. You can also see an example example json response here on the readme.

    excellent, thanks for that. I will play around with it when I get the next chance, and see what I can do. My response when I go to "http://your-unraid-ip:24940" is definitely changing the order, and just written continuously, not separate lines like in the example. I can screenshot when home if you need.
    I like the CPU lookup you added too, may have to use that as well

  2. 11 hours ago, NebN said:


    Could you provide me with more information about the issue you are encountering? Have you added all your cache pool mount points to your configuration? Like this:


        - /mnt/cache
        - /mnt/your/second/cache
        - /mnt/your/third/cache


    To figure out where your caches are mounted you can mouseover this icon in your Unraid "Main" tab.



    You can also check the Application's logs for any errors. You can do this by browsing to Docker > Click on the application's icon > Logs

    I have 3 cache pools, when I put them together like this under "cache" it combines them in homepage for space left, etc


    I want them to be separate in the system, so I can see each pool, and how full it is


    These are my 3 different pools. They are only sensed by the API, if all under the 1 "cache" heading

  3. 9 hours ago, Turge said:

    What does this even do?? Maybe provide a better description? I even installed it and still had no idea what it does lol

    It is a storage solution for 3D print models. Kind of like a selfhosted thingiverse

  4. On 3/1/2024 at 2:02 AM, JonathanM said:

    If you are the project author I highly recommend choosing a different name, since printbed.com is a registered domain selling filament.

    Now is the time to change, before things get rolling.

    Hi, I am not. I saw it on reddit, and put it on here for people. I will let the project author know.


  5. Hi,

    Sorry have a newborn, missed your message.

    No, only one container needed, you can create user for each person using it.

    The commands are for syncing the libraries, the only thing you would have to do after adding more music is go to library, and press import button

    Sent from my Redmi 8 using Tapatalk

  6. Overview: Support thread for Funkwhale all in one in CA

    Application: Funkwhale - https://funkwhale.audio/

    Docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/funkwhale/all-in-one


    This is not my docker, nor am I involved in the project. I will do what I can to help. I made this template, so the docker can be installed via Community Applications.






    1. Change "FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME" to your funkwhale instance if using reverse proxy.

    2. Change "NESTED_PROXY" to "1" if using behind a reverse proxy.

    3. Set your existing music library for /music. Note, if uploading music via Funkwhale, it will do so at the /data location.

    4. Press apply.


    Wait for container to install, and start. Can take a while.


    5. Open console at top of screen.

    6. In console, run command "sudo docker exec -it Funkwhale-all-in-one manage createsuperuser" Follow instructions to set up the admin account.

    7. Login to funkwhale, go to Library under "add content", and create a library. Click the "details" button on your newly created library and get the library ID from the URL bar. It will look similar to the format of: b8756c0d-839b-461f-b334-583983dc9ead.


    To import existing music, for file structures similar to ./Artist/Album/Track.mp3. Change "$yourlibraryID" in commands to your library ID from URL bar.


    8. In console, run following commands:

    For mp3 - "sudo docker exec -it Funkwhale-all-in-one /usr/bin/python3 /app/api/manage.py import_files $yourlibraryID "/music/**/**/*.mp3" --in-place --async"


    For flac - "sudo docker exec -it Funkwhale-all-in-one /usr/bin/python3 /app/api/manage.py import_files $yourlibraryID "/music/**/**/*.flac" --in-place --async"


    Type "yes" when prompted.


    9. To add existing music to library, go to Content, under "Upload third-party content in a library" choose "Get Started".

    10. Click "Upload", in next page, scroll down. You should see your existing library. To import it all, click "Import".

  7. Hi,

    Have this installed now, and just trying to set up the reverse proxy for it.
    When I got to the address I made, or try to use the IP address for it, I get this screen.
    Is there a setting in I am missing possibly?
    I am using swag, and cloudflare for reverse proxyb32f886ebc0fc8275b87641d6fd0d339.jpg

    Sent from my Redmi 8 using Tapatalk

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