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Posts posted by Wetterchen

  1. Ah, okay, danke. Sofern Unraid das beim Update in der nächsten Final sauber übernimmt, bin ich da wieder beruhigt. 


    Ich hatte jetzt nicht das Gefühl das die bisherige Umsetzung für Anfänger unnötig kompliziert war. Es ist ja immer die Frage welchen Weg man nehmen muss, um "seine" Präferenzen für den Unraid Betrieb einzustellen. Da ist es vielleicht Anfangs schwer durchzusteigen, besonders wenn man nur die Windows oder Mac Welt kennt, aber wenn man z.B. noch nie was von den ZFS Pools gehört an, dann dürfte die Lernkurve in Etwas gleich sein.


  2. Brr. Liest sich für mich komplizierter als es ist. Warum heißt sowas "Prime" und "Second". Hä? Ich hab Platten, das soll mit Parity geschütz werden und jut. Die Cache hilft mir um die genannten Beispiele flüssig laufen zu lassen und ohne die Platten die ganze Zeit drehen zu lassen. 
    Nun muss ich erstmal nen halbes Diagramm entwerfen um zu schauen was ich dann alles anpassen darf 

    Ich sehe schon die Unraid Facebook Gruppe mit noch mehr Fragen/Missverständnissen diesbezüglich explodieren. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Squid said:

    Try removing it, rebooting and then reinstalling

    I did this allready but no change. 
    I test [code]

    wget -O /tmp/community.applications-2022.01.06-x86_64-1.txz https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2022.01.06-x86_64-1.txz installpkg /tmp/community.applications-2022.01.06-x86_64-1.txz

    [/code] but nope its still blank page. 
    Only a older Version of CA is working. 

  4. On 11/1/2021 at 4:57 PM, patrickstigler said:

    You must be in the same subnet. Than it will work. Just define your container within the same Subnet i.e. 192.168.0.X

    That is the exact way I am using it. 

    Sometimes it can take a bit till your Desktop will be found. (Have you enabled it on your desktop?)

    I found the problem. 
    If i enable "Privacy" in NDI Tools on my Pc so the Docker cant find it anymore. I dont find the option to enable this Modus in Docker so only public option works.


    The next problem OBS in the Docker detect a ndi stream if i start "Screen Captute". But this is oldschool und slow. 
    If i start "Screen Capture HX" on my PC (NDI Tools v5) the Obs cant find any ndi stream.
    The OBS NDI Version in the docker is old (NDI SDK 4.5.1, April 1 2020) - is a update to NDI SKD 5 possible? How? 

  5. It its possible to connect my dsektop obs ndi output to this docker obs ndi source? 
    The Docker obs can not find the NDI Stream. 
    If i start the NDI Output from the docker obs i can find this on my desktop obs ndi source. 

  6. On 9/10/2021 at 1:26 AM, DuzAwe said:

    I have v2 setup and the node.  Added the nvidia parameters to my node docker(plex works with my 1060Super).  Selected the Winsome H265 NVENC plugin, turned on a gpu worker is its "working" but unraid netdata isnt showing any processes on nvenc.  So I am not quite sure if its actually working on GPU.  I have a cpu worker disabled currently.

     check out this YT Video, its show what you maybe missing. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Wetterchen said:

    Me too :(

    tracker sent a failure message "Error 002"


    So i have new information here. 

    The support from the tracker said the Client send a false peer_id.

    Normaly the code beginning with "-DE..." 

    But now its beginning with "--DE".. thats wrong and the Tracker blocked me. 

    Its happend with the release of the latest version. 


    I rolled back to binhex/arch-delugevpn:2.0.4.dev38_g23a48dd01-3-01 and all working fine again. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Antibios said:

    Suddenly my client is reporting wrong info to my trackers and getting me blacklisted.  They all support deluge 2.0.X so it is reporting something else after the last update.  Any help is appreciated

    Me too :(

    tracker sent a failure message "Error 002"

  9. 14 hours ago, MammothJerk said:

    Hey, i have an issue where whenever i restart my container i have a lot of torrents that have been paused, and i have to manually restart them, this has several issues where sometimes i will get an HnR warning and sometimes a torrent will just stop downloading completely.


    I recently reached 6000 torrents in my client so i was wondering if there way maybe a cap there or something?


    any help pointing me in the right direction would be nice, thanks.


    Here are my settings


    Did you have setup "Maximum Upload Slots" to -1 or 6000? You can find it under Bandwidth.  
    If you use "AutoAdd" so control the settings there too. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Roxedus said:

    Its really not. Bitwarden_rs doesn't have a way to generate a self-signed certificate, hence why it cant be delivered with one. 
    The project has its own wiki page on enabling SLL, and another page on how to use self-signed certs with it. What you are asking is extending the containers functionality. 


    I can help with that, if you hop on over to the discord linked in my signature.

    Thank you for wanting to help. I have try it again from newone and now its working. my finaly fault was a stupid config error on my fritz box... 

    so now its running finaly.. yay ^^

    • Haha 1
  11. On 2/17/2020 at 11:21 PM, Roxedus said:

    easily? reverse proxy

    Dont work for me. Letsencrypt can't find a way to my bitwarden duckdns despite my fritzbox has open ports into it. I don't unterstand why and have wastet of time to fix it. It's annoying 😶 . I think the easier way would be if HTTPS is active from the beginning and you only have to replace the certificate with a correct one. 

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