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Time Machine -> SMB -> Permission Issues and very slow transfer speeds after upgrade to 6.8.3


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I recently upgraded my unRaid to v6.8.3 and I have had a few hickups ever since then.  On the unRaid, I have several media shares, and a TimeMachine share for an iMac.  When setting up the Time Machine share on the previous version of unRaid, I followed SpaceInvaders tutorial for setting up the SMB share.

SMB Enabled, Enhanced macOS interoperability, Created the share, Change export to Yes/Time Machine, Volume Size Limit to 500GB, Security set to Private. Added the user Read/Write access. Added the share in the Time Machine settings on the iMac, and everything was great!  150GB backup would be completed in a few hours.


After upgrading to v6.8.3 is when things started to fall apart from the iMac's point of view.  I would start the Time Machine backup, I could see that the unRaid disks spun up, and then it would fail.  Eventually, I tried changing the security settings to for the Time Machine share to Public, and the backups started to work again.... At this point, from the iMac's perspective, I completely disconnected the unRaid share, rebooted both the iMac, and the unRaid and set the permissions back to Private and giving the user R/W.  I made sure to follow SpaceInvaders instructions to the T, and the iMac would connect to the unRaid, start preparing backup, and fail...... OK, so be it, I will keep the permissions to public.


This is where the performance issues arose.  Yesterday, with the permissions set to Public, Time Machine finally started copying the data, but at a snails pace.  I am able to easily transfer 40MB/S to the other media shares without an issue.  With the iMac Time Machine backup, it is taking days to transfer 15GB...  I have tried to change the following settings as per other forum posts:


  • On the iMac, run the following commands so that Time Machine won't throttle itself
    • sudo sysctl debug.lowpri_throttle_enabled=0
  • On the unRaid I have change the following:
    • Disabled Hardlinks in the global share settings as per LimeTech's recommendations
    • Set Case-sensitive names: to Yes as per LimeTech's recommendations


Am I missing something here?  The iMac and the unRaid are directly connected to the network, so I don't know what is going on.  The Storage transfer speeds are very spiky... I was expecting to see a steady stream of traffic to the unRaid....



At this point, I just want to go out and by another 1TB drive and just continue backing up the iMac like I used to before unRaid.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I hope this is a user error problem on my side, with a quick fix.


Thanks again!


Edited by Grinner
Didn't split out the iMac changes and unRaid changes
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