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Help understanding why docker and parts of unraid became unresponsive for 10 minutes?


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Suddenly my docker containers all became completely unresponsive, also conencting via ssh and doing something basic like "htop" would not work. Connecting via ssh worked fine but once issued command htop there was nothing there, just darkness, like it couldn't render the text? I hit ctrl + c a few times to exit htop and try to browse /mnt/user0/ and it works just fine.


Parts of the web gui would not load, the docker part was completely unresponsive, the array part was fully responsive, the dashboard took 2 minutes to load and once it came up it showed no indications of high memory use or high cpu usage.


I have a log server, zero issues were logged, except the timeout my browser had when trying to access the docker interface.



Jan 28 19:39:53 NAS nginx: 2021/01/28 19:39:53 [error] 4697#4697: *23854955 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET /Main HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "nas.darkone.network.local", referrer: "http://nas.darkone.network.local/Docker"


This server is 100% stable, the uptime is nearly half a year and suddenly this occured out of nowhere. As there are no logs i am clueless to what happened. Like anyone who works with computers i know that once something like this occurs its very likely the problem will continue to occur at random and slowly increase. As i use this system a lot in my work i want to try to avoid getting deeper into trouble and find the culprit before it becomes a real problem.


Any ideas where to start to look for problems?

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