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Need advice on resource distribution for new VMs during hardware upgrade.

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I'm upgrading my unRaid hardware and while the parts are on their way, I am thinking about how to setup some new VMs. I plan on having one VM as my main workstation with a superfast nvme SSD. I have 32 cores and 128gb of RAM to play with. I plan on having a few other VMs for the kids so they can play games either alone, or we can all play together. I will have a nice new graphics card and they will each have an older one I have lying around. In doing this though, I would probably have to get new nvme drives for those VMs. That would take up a lot more slots, which is ok, but then there is the cost involved. If I just use virtual drives, that might be fine if only one person is using it, but having all virtual drives on the same physical drive would probably be problematic, unless I forked over more money for a superfast one again. But then I am back to my original problem of increased cost. Also, it seems silly for each person to have their own drive, OS installation, and all have mostly the same games installed.

In an enterprise environment, I'm used to users just each logging in and every user can be logged in at once on the same Windows installation. I don't really have any experience setting something like that up though and it also has the issue of resources. I can't dedicate a video card to each user, or RAM, or CPU cores, or whatever. At least as far as I know. I have worked in such environments a lot but I don't know a lot about the actual capabilities of such a setup.

I am really just looking for ideas and suggestions, things I haven't thought of or considered in setting this up. Kind of looking for the best of both worlds or the most ideal situation I can.

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