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  1. I am having the same issue with the GPU. Virtual GPU is fine but using an actual one crashes the system when the OS loads.
  2. For some background on my issue, I'm working out some USB controller issues on my motherboard that will sometimes screw up my unRAID flash drive. The other day my config folder turned into a file (yeah, weird, I know) so I had to restore from a backup. Unfortunately, the most recent USB backup was about 8 months old. I should know better but this USB thing has been a LONG existing frustration and I got discombobulated between all the hair pulling and thought it was working. Anyway, I am trying to restore my VM but Windows keeps crashing with an error about the bios. I assume it is related to TPM. I have Windows 11 and an NVMe drive passed through. I don't think the template/XML is the issue as I am very capable as far as that goes. I'm not as familiar with the other aspects of how it works. I know there is a file for TPM but I don't know where it is and it's probably lost if it was in the config folder. I think there is also some sort of NVMe cache or metadata file. So apart from the XML file, what is needed to get this working? TLDR: My stupid USB controller borked the config folder on my USB, Windows 11 is giving me a BSOD about the BIOS, so apart from the VM XML template, what else do I need to restore to fix the TPM and whatever else is causing the issue?
  3. Really? To each their own but I feel the release feature is more convenient. Well, maybe that's not the right word. The file tree is more convenient in the sense that it makes some things quicker and easier but I feel you lose a lot that way. I find management and change tracking more difficult because I have to sift through commits. The release, on the other hand, is a snapshot in time and, for me at least, just easier to conceptualize as a known verified reference point. Then you can always narrow your scope by sifting through releases. Especially for binaries, looking for an older version in the commits is a pain, as is keeping copies of every version in the file tree. I'm curious, what about it do you find more convenient? I'm really just trying to assess if I just have a different preference or if there is something I am overlooking that would change my preference or make things easier.
  4. I noticed plugins that are hosted on Github all point to the "raw" link within the repo and nobody ever uses the release function in Github. I prefer to add artifacts as a release and not keeping them in the repo. Is it just a convention that someone started and everyone followed?
  5. I know on the user side there are mechanisms to avoid port conflicts in Docker containers but is there anything for developers? What I mean by that is is there some kind of list or registry of Docker ports used by templates in Community Apps? If I make a Docker container and submit it to be included in Community Apps, I would like the default port to not already be in use by some other app available in Community Apps. I know unRaid will warn the user when installing but I'm just wondering if there is anything in place for developers to pre-empt it.
  6. Ah, ok. Got it now. Thanks everyone.
  7. I don't follow. What HTTML do you mean? If I remove the html tags, it displays the code as literal text.
  8. Menu="Utilities" Title="Fan Auto Control" Icon="dynamix.system.autofan.png" --- <!doctype html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anhr/resizer/master/Common.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/anhr/resizer/master/resizer.js"></script> <style> .element { border: 1px solid #999999; border-radius: 4px; margin: 5px; padding: 5px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function onresize() { var element1 = document.getElementById("element1"); var element2 = document.getElementById("element2"); var element3 = document.getElementById("element3"); var ResizerY = document.getElementById("resizerY"); ResizerY.style.top = element3.offsetTop - 15 + "px"; var topElements = document.getElementById("topElements"); topElements.style.height = ResizerY.offsetTop - 20 + "px"; var height = topElements.clientHeight - 32; if (height <?='<'?> 0) height = 0; height += 'px'; element1.style.height = height; element2.style.height = height; } function resizeX(x) { var element2 = document.getElementById("element2"); element2.style.width = element2.parentElement.clientWidth + document.getElementById('rezizeArea').offsetLeft - x + 'px'; } function resizeY(y) { var element3 = document.getElementById("element3"); var height = element3.parentElement.clientHeight + document.getElementById('rezizeArea').offsetTop - y ; if ((height + 100) > element3.parentElement.clientHeight) return; element3.style.height = height + 'px'; onresize(); } var emailSubject = "Resizer example error"; </script> </head> <body> <div id="rezizeArea" style="width:1000px; height:250px; overflow:auto; position: relative;" class="element"> <div id="topElements" class="element" style="overflow:auto; position:absolute; left: 0; top: 0; right:0;"> <div id="element2" class="element" style="width: 30%; height:10px; float: right; position: relative;"> Element 2 <div id="resizerXY" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; background: blue; position:absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> resizerXY("resizerXY", function (e) { resizeX(e.pageX + 10); resizeY(e.pageY + 50); }); </script> </div> <div id="resizerX" style="width: 10px; height:100%; background: red; float: right;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> resizerX("resizerX", function (e) { resizeX(e.pageX + 25); }); </script> <div id="element1" class="element" style="height:10px; overflow:auto;">Element 1</div> </div> <div id="resizerY" style="height:10px; position:absolute; left: 0; right:0; background: green;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> resizerY("resizerY", function (e) { resizeY(e.pageY + 25); }); </script> <div id="element3" class="element" style="height:100px; position:absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; right:0;">Element 3</div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> onresize(); </script> </body> </html> Line 29 is the problem area.
  9. I am working on a plugin. I have some HTML in the page file and some Javascript between some `script` tags. PHP converts `if (height < 0)` to `if (height &lt; 0)` for some reason and it breaks things. If I use PHP tags and echo it, it will work but that's really a work around. Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it? The page file doesn't even contain any PHP, it's strictly HTML.
  10. I've been having lots of USB issues since I upgraded my hardware and I'm just now realizing there has been a longstanding issue with Ryzen and USB. I'm starting to wonder how many USB issues on this forum are related to that.
  11. I know I'm a little late with the reply but there are two ways to do that. As mentioned, qemu/kvm can emulate a USB device. You can also do it natively in Linux but it has to be enabled in the kernel and that would require recompiling the kernel. But there are better ways to accomplish what you were trying to do that have been mentioned.
  12. No but here's what the documentation says: -e EMAIL_SMTP=True \ -e EMAIL_SMTP_HOST=TODO \ -e EMAIL_SMTP_PORT=TODO \ -e EMAIL_SMTP_USER=TODO \ -e EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD=TODO \ -e EMAIL_SMTP_USE_TLS= \
  13. For anyone unable to access the webui, you need to change the URL/BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL variable to your server ip/name and port.
  14. I did use a guide, or a least part of one. It will be included in version 6.13, as mentioned. I do have a compiled version on github: https://github.com/bobbintb/unRAID-audit But fair warning, I haven't looked at it in a while so I am not sure how out of date it is.
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