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  1. that is exactly the problem, if you use the autostart built in docker compose manager, with some stacks it won't work correctly, don't ask me why. I'm going to try the script and report back
  2. I have a problem with this compose, If I start the server and docker start automatically the proxy won't work, the dockers runs no apparent error appears but it will return a 404. If I stop and start the compose it will work at any time, just after a reboot, just after an array stop, at any point in time it will return correctly the app behind traefik. Any idea why is this and how to troubleshoot it? ############################################################### # Web Proxy DMZ ############################################################### # Common settings ############################################# x-default: &config restart: unless-stopped cpuset: 10,22,11,23,8,20,9,21 security_opt: - no-new-privileges:true x-dns: &dns dns: - - x-labels: &labels com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: "true" net.unraid.docker.managed: "composeman" net.unraid.docker.shell: "sh" # Services #################################################### services: ## Traefik #################################################### traefik: container_name: ProxyDMZ-Traefik image: traefik:latest <<: [*config, *dns] depends_on: # - wpsocketproxy: # - modsecurity - crowdsec networks: # wp-netsocketproxy: # wp-netmodsecurity: wp-netredis: eth2: ipv4_address: ${ProxyDMZTraefik_ip} ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 - 8080:8080 # Dashboard port volumes: - /mnt/services/docker/WebProxyDMZ/Traefik:/etc/traefik/ environment: - TZ # - DOCKER_HOST=wpsocketproxy:2375 - CF_API_EMAIL_FILE - CF_DNS_API_TOKEN_FILE secrets: - CF_API_EMAIL - CF_DNS_API_TOKEN labels: <<: *labels net.unraid.docker.icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ibracorp/unraid-templates/master/icons/traefik.png" net.unraid.docker.webui: "https://traefik.domain.com/dashboard/#/" ## CrowdSec ################################################### crowdsec: image: crowdsecurity/crowdsec container_name: ProxyDMZ-CrowdSec <<: [*config, *dns] depends_on: - redis-cs networks: eth2: ipv4_address: ${ProxyDMZCrowdSec_ip} ports: - 8080:8080 #- 6060:6060 # PROMETEUS environment: TZ: COLLECTIONS: "crowdsecurity/traefik crowdsecurity/home-assistant crowdsecurity/http-cve crowdsecurity/whitelist-good-actors" # GID: "${GID-1000}" PGID: PUID: CUSTOM_HOSTNAME: CrowdSecDMZ DISABLE_LOCAL_API: "false" # True Only after successfully registering and validating remote agent below. volumes: - /mnt/services/docker/WebProxyDMZ/CrowdSec/data:/var/lib/crowdsec/data - /mnt/services/docker/WebProxyDMZ/CrowdSec:/etc/crowdsec - /mnt/services/docker/WebProxyDMZ/Traefik/logs:/var/log/traefik:ro - /mnt/services/docker/HomeAssistant:/var/log/homeassistant:ro labels: <<: *labels net.unraid.docker.icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ibracorp/app-logos/main/crowdsec/crowdsec.png" ## CrowdSec - Redis ########################################### redis-cs: image: redis:alpine container_name: ProxyDMZ-CrowdSec-Redis <<: *config command: [ "sh", "-c", "exec redis-server --requirepass $REDIS_PASSWORD" ] # redis-cli -a "password" --stat # select 1 # dbsize networks: wp-netredis: volumes: - /mnt/services/docker/WebProxyDMZ/Redis:/data environment: - TZ labels: <<: *labels net.unraid.docker.icon: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/A75G/docker-templates/master/templates/icons/redis.png" # Networks #################################################### networks: eth2: name: eth2 external: true eth1: name: eth1 external: true # wp-netsocketproxy: # internal: true wp-netredis: internal: true # wp-netmodsecurity: # internal: true # Secrets ##################################################### secrets: # Traefik - CF_API_EMAIL CF_API_EMAIL: file: $SECRETSDIR/CF_API_EMAIL # Traefik - CF_API_EMAIL CF_DNS_API_TOKEN: file: $SECRETSDIR/CF_DNS_API_TOKEN
  3. Why it would need a plugin? To configure it via webui?
  4. Someone told me that they might add auditd in 6.13. So I am waiting for it
  5. Could you please include docker scout cli binaries as part of compose manager?
  6. It's a general issue, the integration between compose and docker is not native. I guess unRAID should do some changes to accommodate better docker compose while using compose manager
  7. With that settings the docker will use both DNS, it is something "normal" in case 1 fails to add 2 DNS, you can add 1 only and will work as well
  8. I have the same config with the same result. Everything is fine the problem is unRAID compatibility with docker compose to represent the config in the webui
  9. But I understand that wazuh is useless if you can't install wazuh agent directly on unRAID OS, right? I will try with sandy first and the once auditd is ready I will integrate the logs in security onion
  10. Where you have installed sandfly? in a VM? have you encountered any issue during installation or it works fine just by following the documentation? Wazuh agent over docker is not officially supported, although there are some unofficial images on github. I have been told in private that soon there will be official support for auditd in Unraid, I think this will be the best option to monitor the security, anyway I plan to try sandfly.
  11. unRAID should open source some of the basic components like VM and docker, and leave everything else close source.
  12. @primeval_god If I add my the "compose manager" labels to my docker compose file, should I delete the docker-compose.override.yml? is there a way to override this file and use exclusively whatever I set in the compose label? I see in some cases inconsistencies where the content of this file does not match the labels defined for it in docker compose. I am using labels like this lables: - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true" - "net.unraid.docker.managed=composeman" - "net.unraid.docker.shell=sh" - "net.unraid.docker.icon=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ibracorp/unraid-templates/master/icons/traefik.png" - "net.unraid.docker.webui=https://traefik.dsaasddsa.com.es/dashboard/#/"
  13. Or proxmox is forcing me to use unRAID because they don't have native docker support. Although unRAID doesn't support docker compose either
  14. After a cold boot is working again, I did a scrub and ended ok just in case. But what is the meeaning of CKSUM at 3? do I have to do something else? do I have to be worried about this?
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