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primeval_god last won the day on June 4 2023

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks but I believe I understand the issue at this point. The underlying problem is very similar to the issue with how dockerman displays networks for compose containers. It appears that dockerman uses the "NetworkMode" property somehow to decide whether it should attempt to rewrite the webui url. Recent versions of compose set this property differently (depending on network configuration) than dockerman does. @mtongnz has a pull request open against the unRAID webgui repo that addresses the network display issue. Perhaps they would be willing and able to look into patching this issue as well.
  2. Custom networks can be macvlan, ipvlan, and bridge type.
  3. @Mihle This thread is for discussing issues with the compose plugin, not for supporting/discussing specific compose stacks.
  4. It would be interesting to know what kind of network bond0.43 is. Also whether the issue happens if the network (of the same type as bond0.43) is not external (i.e. created when the compose stack is brought up). Unfortunately at this point a fix is likely out of my hands. The issue is something about the way Dockerman tries to extract the IP and PORT information from the container in order to re-write the url. For some reason it is not playing nicely with the way compose is attaching the network to the container. I suspect it may be related to the issue where dockerman doesnt display network names for containers created by compose but i am not certain. regardless any fixes will have to be made in dockerman.
  5. As a test try removing the connection to the external bond043 network (compose will create a network for the container).
  6. Yeah this plugin is really designed for simple, single compose file, single env file stacks created via its webui. Stacks that are pulled from elsewhere can quickly start to get more complex than this plugin was designed for.
  7. Is the usb drive a portable type with just a USB plug or does it have a power adapter with it. If it is the portable type perhaps your minipc does not supply enough power for both usb devices. You could try connecting a powered hub to the second port to support the external drive.
  8. This thread is for questions about the composeman plugin itself rather than specific compose stacks. As this is pulled from github, (not the envisioned use case of this plugin) I might hazard a guess that some of the file permissions are incorrect as unraid doesn't really have users other than root. How that interplay with permissions withing the container environment I dont know.
  9. Now that ZFS support is wrapping up I would love to see some focus return to the star feature of UNRAID, the unRAID array. First and foremost I would like to see formalization of the array as just a type of pool concept, both in documentation and nomenclature in the GUI. Having to explain the difference between the array and other pool types gets old after a while. It would also be cool to see the unRAID type pool be augmented with some more advanced features. It would be really nice to be able to replace or re-add a failed device (or expand the pool) without having to take it offline (hardware permitting of course). Adding an option for a read cache would be really cool, either a write-through block cache or some way to intelligently promote files to some sort of read-only overlayfs. My biggest wish would be to see some attention given to the file integrity properties of the unRAID type pool. Things like ensuring that fs read errors are properly propagated through fuse layers and samba (pretty sure there was an issue raised about this at some point). The biggest longshot, but coolest feature would be to see the BTRFS check summing feature (and ZFS I guess) integrated with parity checking similar to what Synology hybrid raid achieves.
  10. Not sure what you mean here? Your app does appear to be available via community applications.
  11. What you are all seeing is a known issue with the way Dockerman displays networks for containers created via compose. There is an open PR for the unRAID webui to fix the issue but as of yet it is unmerged. https://github.com/unraid/webgui/pull/1616 Aside from patching the webui there is no convenient way to fix this.
  12. If it doesnt change when you change the text of the label then its because the webui is using a cached version as described elsewhere in this thread. You can use the "docker inspect" command in a shell to see what the contents of the net.unraid.docker.webui label are. That string is exactly what unRAID Dockerman sees, how it process it and if it caches it are in part of unRAIDs code.
  13. Actually I think the fix for 1 & 2 is this https://github.com/unraid/webgui/pull/1616
  14. The compose plugin is intended for running simple compose stacks created via its webui not arbitrary compose stacks pulled from github. I dont know off hand how multiple additional compose files in the stack root directory would effect the commands used to start and stop stacks.
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