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Cache Mover forgetting to use other disks

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I have tried changing settings around and used mover a ton of times but the cache is holding onto 160GB of media files. It will fill up disk 1 then take what little data was put on disk 1 and stop. From what i understand its supposed to move to the next disk and fill it up and so on. Any help on this would be great, thanks! 



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Probably b

4 minutes ago, Shockracer said:

Just selected exclude disk 1 and it is still trying to move only to disk 1

Probably because you have in effect told it to do so :(


When trying to select a drive for where a file should be placed if there is contention between the various share settings as to what drive to use then the ‘Split Level’ setting always takes precedence.    With it set to 1 as shown in your screen shot although the share itself can span multiple disks, once a folder has been created within that share all content for that folder is constrained to the disk where that folder is first created.  You are probably going to need a less restrictive value for the Split Level setting?

unRAId will never automatically move files between array drives so if you want some of the content currently on disk1 to be on other drives you have to take manual action to achieve this.

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Don't think the files are on disk 1 as i can't get them off of the cache drive. I'm trying to force to write to any other disk as disk 1 is pretty much full. 


Unraid seems to make several attempts at writing to disk 1 then after 30 minutes stops trying. 

Edited by Shockracer
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4 minutes ago, Shockracer said:

Don't think the files are on disk 1 as i can't get them off of the cache drive. I'm trying to force to write to any other disk as disk 1 is pretty much full. 

Yes, and as I said the Split Level setting you have on the share is prohibiting mover from trying any other drive as the target for moving the files off the cache.


the comment about moving files off disk1 is only relevant if you want to free up space on that disk.

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9 minutes ago, itimpi said:

Yes, and as I said the Split Level setting you have on the share is prohibiting mover from trying any other drive as the target for moving the files off the cache.


the comment about moving files off disk1 is only relevant if you want to free up space on that disk.

What do you recommend the split level setting to be at "Automatically split any directory as required"? 

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Just now, Shockracer said:

What do you recommend the split level setting to be at "Automatically split any directory as required"? 

It is impossible to know what is the best setting for you without knowing a lot more about the paths of the files and how you want files to be distributed.   Using the option you mention would definitely allow mover to get the files off the cache but it may end up splitting the contents of folders across more drives than you want.  

Some users like to apply constraints that tend to keep the contents of folders at a given level on the same drive and set a Dplit Level that will achieve it for their particular folder/filename naming scheme.  However since you have set the Allocation Method to be “Most Free” maybe you are not concerned about that?

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5 hours ago, itimpi said:

It is impossible to know what is the best setting for you without knowing a lot more about the paths of the files and how you want files to be distributed.   Using the option you mention would definitely allow mover to get the files off the cache but it may end up splitting the contents of folders across more drives than you want.  

Some users like to apply constraints that tend to keep the contents of folders at a given level on the same drive and set a Dplit Level that will achieve it for their particular folder/filename naming scheme.  However since you have set the Allocation Method to be “Most Free” maybe you are not concerned about that?

Prior to this screen shot i had it set to High water, i have a Plex share and 2 user shares that is personal media and docs. 


Is there another setting that with allow it move to another disk? Disk 2 also has media folders that pertain to plex, this why im a bit lost on why it won't utilize that disk.

Edited by Shockracer
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6 hours ago, itimpi said:

It is impossible to know what is the best setting for you without knowing a lot more about the paths of the files and how you want files to be distributed.   Using the option you mention would definitely allow mover to get the files off the cache but it may end up splitting the contents of folders across more drives than you want.  

Some users like to apply constraints that tend to keep the contents of folders at a given level on the same drive and set a Dplit Level that will achieve it for their particular folder/filename naming scheme.  However since you have set the Allocation Method to be “Most Free” maybe you are not concerned about that?



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Give some examples of the path/file names of the files that you want to move that are not moving, and what folders already exist within the "Plex Data" folder on disk1.  That way it should be possible to get a better idea of both the fine detail of your current problem and what might be the best Split Level setting for your particular needs.   


You might find this section from the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the unraid GUI can help clarify things?


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