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[SOLVED] Randomly Locks up and Restarts

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Hello Guys, Just setup my unraid today and every so often its randomly locking up and restarting. I have attached my diagnostic logs hopefully someone can help me with the issue. I have had the GUI open on the machine and tail -f the syslog file but doesn't show anything in there when the freeze and reboot happens. It's pretty much a standard build. I have added two dockers Plex and RTorrent VPN version, However just seems to happen randomly even when not doing anything.


Thanks guys appreciate any help.


EDIT: This just popped up and then reboot after 30 seconds; Kernel panic - not syncing: Timeout: Not all CPUs entered broadcast exception handler


Edited by New2Unraid
Added bit at the bottom
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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Randomly Locks up and Restarts

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