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[SOLVED] 6.9.0 Data Disk Device is Disabled

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Hey guys, woke up this morning and noticed that one of my data drives has a red cross next to it and it says that the device is disabled. I've been using Unraid for a while and have been really fortunate to never have experienced this before so this is all kinda new to me, and I've been able to resolve any issues I have using other posts in General Support but not this one.


The drive is newish (about 6 months old) and the server is just sitting undisturbed, no power issues, and is protected by a UPS. Did a filesystem check and didn't show any errors. Stop/start the array, shutdown and checked the cables then power it on, no luck. Parity seems to be ok and the data on the drive is being emulated with no issues.


Is this drive actually dead? Or is it salvageable? Really appreciate any help/suggestions anyone can give of what I should do from here. Thanks in advance!


Edited by krusty003
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The SMART information for the drive looks OK so it could have just been a temporary glitch that caused a write to the drive to fail.   If you want to make sure you could try running an extended SMART test on the drive.  Worth pointing out that if this happens again you are likely to get better informed feedback if you provide your system's diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) before rebooting the server so we can see what lead up to the drive being disabled.


If you want to try and continue using the drive then instructions for rebuilding a drive onto itself are here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI.


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Thanks for looking into that, I've just started the rebuild on to the same drive. Hopefully it all goes well, I'll post an update once it completes.


Sorry I forgot to mention in my original post that the diagnostics I attached was from before the reboot - so the syslog probably goes back to when I installed 6.9.0, and the failure occured early in the morning today (Apr 3 01:19 in the logs).

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3 hours ago, krusty003 said:

Rebuild seems to have completed successfully with no errors. Not showing any reallocated sectors.


Should I do anything else? Or is it safe to call it a day?


Rebuild finishing correctly is a good sign so you are probably good to go :)


May want to run an extended SMART test as a confirmation but that is probably unnecessary.

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  • krusty003 changed the title to [SOLVED] 6.9.0 Data Disk Device is Disabled

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