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Ubuntu VM VERY slow on 6.9? Even typing my password has a delay?

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Ok, so I have not really used VM's much in unraid as without snapshots they are just not that useful for me.


I was needing to play around with ubuntu and decided putting it on unraid would be the best option as VNC would be useful but finding the performance to be really bad.


Both the install ISO and the virtual disk are on the cache, I have all my 2600x cores enabled and using the default settings for ubuntu.


Just booting up the installer takes many times longer then it should. The file check goes stupid slow. Installing the same ISO on virtualbox or bare metal is easily 4-6x faster. Just typing in my password has a delay.


Even opening firefox has a noticeable delay vs VB or BM.


Checking resource usage both in the VM and on the server shows no bottlenecks. Cpu usage is basically zero, No single core is pegged or anything like that, gobs of memory available (48GB in the server, 8gb dedicated to the VM).


I just upgraded to 6.9.1, is there some setting I need to change or is this expected behavior when compared to virtual box and bare metal?

Edited by TexasUnraid
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  • 2 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, NerdyGriffin said:

When you say "all my 2600x cores enabled", does that mean you are assigning the VM to all the cores that the Unraid server has available? Because if so, that can cause these types of dramatic performance problems


Yes, I also tried it with only 10 of the 12 threads enabled with no change. CPU usage is basically zero as well regardless.

Edited by TexasUnraid
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