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Everything in one Unraid-System (Gaming, Nextcloud, Pi-Hole, Motioneye, NAS)?

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Hello all,

my name is seppeltrivial and i am in the process of realizing my first NAS system. Unfortunately there are two options and I need your advice.

I'm in the process of reorganizing my hardware stuff at home. For the past year I've been using a Raspi with external HDD for Nextcloud and Motioneye. This is all going so semi-optimal, as the hardware is reaching the performance limit and also it is a instable solution. 

So my idea was to put everything in one computer and use it as a TrueNas instance.
About the planned TrueNas system:
- i5-2410
- 16 GB RAM
- 8x3 TB HDDs
- Boot SSD
- TrueNas as base
- Nextcloud as plugin
- Pihole and Motioneye as VMs

Now while searching for ideas I came across Unraid. And since then I've been questioning my idea. I still own a gaming PC with a big case, so that all the disks would fit in here. Therefore now the consideration to burn everything with Unraid and the PC (Quasi only one case, one hardware setup and thus more efficient use of resources and especially fewer power consumption(?).
About the planned Unraid system
- Ryzen 5 5600x (here I would eventually upgrade, if the Unraid thing makes sense)
- 32 GB RAM
- one 0815 GPU for UnRaid and one GPU for gaming ( now a gtx970, until a new GPU generation is available at normal prices)
- all HDDS and SSDs
- Win10 as gaming VM (would have the attraction to be able to access my computer at any time)
- Nextcloud (available with Unraid?), Pi-Hole, Motioneye as docker and VMs respectively.

The question now is... does this makes more sense?

I am completely torn right now.

Thanks a lot!


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