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Got RX560 passed through successfuly using Q35-5.1/ SeaBIOS. Keyboard & mouse not moving

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I first setup the VM using Q35-5.1/ SeaBIOS, via VNC.  After finish installation, I shut it down, and selected RX560 graphics, and autio.  It immediately boot up on my monitor, up to login portion.  I tried to enter keys, and move mouse, neither will work.  If I do start the VM without keyboard and mouse selected, it won't boot with graphics on my monitor.  I have to use USB Hotplug plugin to detach, then attach my usb keyboard and mouse before it works.  What could be the problem? 


Edit:  After a few seconds of attaching the USB, the VM hangs.  


Edit 2: Reinstalled a new VM with Q35-5.1/ with OVMF with the same result.  Upon finishing installation, shutdown vm, and passed through gpu.  The monitor boots up, keyboard and mouse not working.  


Tried several things, reverting to VNC, boot up, and everything is fine.  Go back to passthrough, this time around, it doesn't hang.  But nothing shows up in monitor.  RDP onto the VM shows it doesn't have the GPU on Device Manager.  Several consecutive reboots, still don't have the GPU in Device Manager.  Tried installing AMD driver, but says GPU not found.  


When revert back to vnc, and sometimes, when go back to gpu pass through, monitor turns on, reaches windows, and the whole cycle repeats again.


Edit 3:  I have another Windows VM, used to be i440fx with GTX1080 card.  Since I replaced my GTX 1080 with RX560, I edited the vm, and selected Q35.  It started up, with display on my monitor, passthrough was working.  But 1 minute after it boots into Windows 10, it hangs.  Did this several times, with exactly the same results.


What more can I change to keep it from hanging?

Edited by jang430
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