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Normal amount of TX/RX from an Unraid server "at rest"??


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Not sure if I have a problem or not (preliminary inquiry). I have an Unraid server (6.9.2) that is:

not in DMZ

not internet exposed (at least not by me - my network pings all good on GRCsheildsup tests.)

runs a few locally oriented dockers:

       HomeAssistant (Stopped for the moment)

       Hass Configurator (Stopped for the moment)

       Emby (Stopped for the moment)

       Logitech Media Server (Stopped for the Moment)

       (Had Homebridge...since uninstalled)

       Heimdall (Stopped for the moment)

No filefetching dockers, no torrentz (all my media hand ripped music & movie DVDs.)

I have ZERO interest in any remote access and have made no attempt to do so, nor opened any ports at the router.

My question would be: what is a normal level of network activity for a server doing these things at rest (no one in the household accessing any of the Docker services)? What level of TX/RX would indicate a red flag?

ie. At which point should I pull the plug and begin asking the good people here on this forum what logs I need to prepare? Not sure what I'm looking at, If I have a bad Docker, or just normal network interaction between Dockers and clients on my network and I'm just mis-reading what I'm seeing...


Right now I've just shut down all Apps/Dockers and just looking at the feed from system stats and network stats.

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