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Read errors after installing new SAS card and hard drives. (SOLVED)

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Hey guys, last night I installed an IT flashed HBA card (LSI 6Gbps SAS HBA 9210-8i) With three new hard drives, all seagate exos 16tb SAS drives, I picked one of them to become my second parity, and after second parity had completed building (No errors found), I added the two other exos and let them clear overnight. In the morning I found that I had about 1048 read errors on one of the storage exos that I was adding, and proceeded to watch my second parity become disabled as it started having read errors as-well, one of the drives had no errors. I'm unsure if this is a problem with my SAS card, cable, or whether I just got unlucky enough to have two bad drives (I have 7 SATA hard drives that are just coupled to my motherboard which have given me no trouble.) I'll be attaching my anonymized diagnostics, unraid version is 6.9.2. If anyone can figure out what I need to replace or change I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you in advance.


Edited by windshields
5 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Disks look OK, mot likely a power/connection problem.


Hm...I've checked the connections and everything seems to be good, I'm running molex->sata to get rid of 3.3V power (Crimped not molded adapters), I might try replacing the SAS cable and the SAS card to see if it makes a difference.

  • windshields changed the title to Read errors after installing new SAS card and hard drives. (SOLVED)

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