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Setting min free space for cache

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I just finished migrating data to my array, and then added 2 500GB SSDs for cache. I created a pool and selected each of them, and formatted. What I can't figure out is where to set the minimum free space for the cache. I'm using big drives so they have 500GB min free space each, which obviously won't work for the cache. It seems all the info I'm finding pertains to older versions of Unraid.

Just to be clear, on the current version:
- I make a pool, not something under a 'cache' heading which I don't have, correct? If so, I've done that. Even the video the official docs point to for newer versions shows a 'cache' section here rather than a 'pools' section. I currently have a pool of 2 devices called 'cache'.

- Directions I can find say go to Settings > Global Share Settings to set my cache min disk space, but I don't have any such option. However the directions I'm finding regarding this are older.


I don't expect to copy a file over 150GB, but I like to keep more free space on my physical drives for their health.

How do I set cache-specific min free space in the current version? That's my main challenge currently.


EDIT: I think I found the right place. I clicked on the first drive in my pool, and set its min free space. The second drive doesn't show such an option so I'm guessing that applies it to the whole mirrored pool which would make sense. Just let me know if I did anything wrong here.

Edited by Hastor
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