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Posted (edited)

Hi All, 


I'm trying to create an Argo tunnel following IBRACORP tutorial https://ibracorp.io/cloudflare-how-to-set-up-cloudflare-argo-tunnel-free-on-unraid/, however after I create a tunnel it has no ID and when I check the .json file it does have the secret inside, but the json file doesn't even have a name. just .json. every-time I do it again it prints "created a tunnel with id....." nothing displayed. the tunnel id is critical so I do not know how to move forward since everything else is dependent on that ID. If anyone else can recreate this that would be most helpful, or are you getting the same result? thank you. 

Edited by Kevin Marchese
Posted (edited)

Make sure you disignate the version with this instead 


docker run -it --rm -v /mnt/user/appdata/cloudflared:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared/ cloudflare/cloudflared:2021.6.0 tunnel login


then you'll get an ID :) 

Edited by Kevin Marchese

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