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Obligatory 1st Post - New unRAID'er and build critique please


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I promise I skimmed for an introduction forum with no success (albeit I spent a whopping 1 minute looking for one -- if I simply overlooked it, I apologize and proceed to haze me appropriately). ;)


With original aspirations of "going big" after seeing some of the 20-24 (21 drive max supported I read), I've decided to simply go with the 2 key pro package and making my first unRAID box something for me to learn on, so-to-speak (hopefully the learning comes quickly as it will of course house data I'd like to, well, keep).


That said, I've decided on a 15 drive build and have taken a look at the budget build, though I'm going to throw -some- variation in and also start off with the tray that comes with the AZZA case.  It's not imo cost efficient, since the Norco 24 bay case is pretty much the cost of 1 AZZA case + 2 Icy's, but, eh.. as I don't yet have a rack built in the house and, again, would like to have something to "learn" on, this is what I think I've decided on:


* Budget: $900ish (before shipping) is what I'd like to keep this at initially

* How many drives do you want your server to be able to support and how much capacity do you need?  6TB to start should be good, I have data on three 1TB drives at the moment, not sure if they can be used with unRAID yet or not, haven't looked at their model # (store bought retail versions) if they can be, then they'll be added eventually.

* Is expandability important to you?  If so, what's your long term goal?  Yes, 21 drives (gotta live on the wild side!)

* Are you interested in running any unRAID Add Ons (see here)?  If so, which ones?  Be specific.  Yes, but, unsure which I'll run with right now, at least specifically.  What comes highly recommended?

* Do you want to run green/low power drives or faster 7200 rpm drives?  Greens are fine with me, they seem to work for media sharing just fine according to everyone/most here.

* Do you have any spare parts laying around that you would like to apply towards your build?  This includes drives.  I do, three 1TB drives.  I have a 650 PS though it's not a single 12v rail (still usable I suppose but..)







Hard Drives: (again going with 4 to start, but, since the limit per customer is currently 5, well...)

5x http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148413


Mobo: (seen someone here successfully running a 24 drive capable system with this, hopefully 15 isn't any different)



Power Supply: (overkill I'm sure -- looking to the future where it will likely get recycled/reassigned to the future Norco)



Memory: (seems not getting dual channel would be, well, silly and plan to run other things than just unRAID)



CPU: (was gonna do the x2 250 for just a few more bucks, but, according to benchmarking I saw seems the Sempron is better, for the purposes it will suit that is)



Controllers: (mobo 6, supermicro 8 and SIL3132 for 2 = 16)







USB Header-Pin to Dual Type-A (for thumb/flash drive):





Spare parts:  Power Suppy: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817163108, CPU (cant believe I spent $235 on this when I bought it, yeouch): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103539, RAM ($206.50 for this, good lord): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231032, some nice thermaltake HSF for the listed (above) spare CPU


Again, this is very very similar to the 15 build, not much change, perhaps not even enough to justify it's own thread -- but for the sake of ensuring that I haven't picked out known non-compatible components and/or forgetting something.. I figured I'd make a "please critique my build" post.


SATA cables I see missing, not quite sure which ones to go with with this case (what length, etc.)  I would like to color code, data, cache, parity (cache only after it's at it's 15 drive glory).  So any suggestions on length, etc. would be immensely appreciated.


And of course anything else I'm missing.. again, the goal is to start with a 4 drive version (no cache) using the tray that comes with the case, BUT, still have all controllers in place for the 15 build.  Then as time goes on, I'll get trays/backplane + additional drives to actually utilize the supermicro and sil3132.  Orrr, would this not be recommended?  (for reasons other than cost saving)


TIA to all those that do reply, your time is appreciated.


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I have the same mobo and I am very happy with it.  It runs everything from XP to win7 on a separate drive from the unraid array.  I would suggest going with 2 SUPERMICRO AOC-SASLP-MV8's from the start.  To get to a "full" unraid server you will need them.  They would also be needed once, or if, you went to a norco case.  You may also want to go with something like the Antec 1200 for a case to keep you satisfied for a longer period of time.  Even though it is double the cost after the rebate that newegg has right now.  I have a post in the unraid good deals section for a good price at Micro Center.  If you use 5 in 3's you could pretty much get to a "full" server.  As for the breakout cables, you may want to look on Amazon.  They have 2 different lengths and if I remember right they were cheaper.  If you get the board and have issues let me know I would be happy to help if I can be any.   One thing with building an unraid server is that they recommend using a Power Supply that has one +12 volt rail.  I would consider buying something new for that.   I went with a 650w Corsair and have not been disappointed.  Also the SASLP-MV8's also get hot so you may want to buy some of these...


or something similar.



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According to the manual for your power supply here:



The 12V4 supply powers the 4-pin Molex connectors    (12V4 also powers one of the PCIe connectors you'll not be using)

The 12V2 powers the SATA power connectors.          ( 12V2 also powers the 6 pin CPU power connector.)


12V3 powers the Motherboard

12V1 powers the 8 pin CPU power connector.


Basically you have two 12 Volt rails accessible for disks.  Each have a capacity of 18 Amps.  You'll want to use splitter/converters on the Molex connectors to power some of your SATA drives.  I use these in one of my servers:



You can use something like this on the SATA connectors



Do NOT try to put all the drives on just one 12 Volt rail.  18 Amps is not enough for a 15 drives array.  Putting 7 disks on an 18 Amp rated rail is about the most I would try.


Joe L.



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Your old PSU is suitable for a few drives, but you'll definitely want to replace it once you pass around 6 drives for the reasons Joe L. explained.


The 800W Silverstone PSU you linked is overkill even for a 24 drive build (assuming you are sticking with green drives).  I recommend the Corsair 650W instead.


As far as I know, any tower case will limit you to 20 drives.  If you really want 21-24, you'll need to go for a Norco 4224.  You don't need a rack to run one of these cases, you can also just place it on a table.


As for SATA cables, just search monoprice for the colors you want.  The length shouldn't matter much.  The standard 18 inch cables will be fine.  Locking connectors are a good idea, but not required.

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Your old PSU is suitable for a few drives, but you'll definitely want to replace it once you pass around 6 drives for the reasons Joe L. explained.

He has two 18 AMP 12 volt rails available for disks... granted, one will need adapters for SATA drives, but he is far better off that those with a huge power supply and just 1 12 volt rail available for the disks.  He could probably put 6, 7 or possibly 8 drives on each of the two rails.
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