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Network connectivity with Windows 10 VM

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We recently had a strong lightning storm that killed my SuperMicro motherboard which I replaced today.  Mostly everything is running but one thing I can't work out is my Windows 10 VM does not have network access if I set the IP address static as I want it at  That's how this VM was running before the outage so I know it can work.  The IP of the Unraid box is and I can hit that just fine from inside my network (aka laptop for example) but I can't hit the VM's IP at all and from the VM there is no internet at all. The only way to get the VM to access the internet is to choose DHCP but that ends up giving me a weird 192.168 address which does not work form my environment.  Any help would be great.....

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Sounds like you may have selected virbr0 instead of br0 as the Network Bridge for the VM.  If you want your guest VMs to be on the same network as the host, change the bridge to br0.  If you want the guest VM to be isolated from the host network, leave it on virbr0 and let the KVM/QEMU perform NAT.


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