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Is an unmountable disk normal or am I screwed?

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Hello again,

So after some nice people helped me out in my last thread, i have decided to clean install unraid on a new flash drive after my last one failed and I had no backup. I got everything to boot and got to the scary step of starting the array for the first time. I had no screenshot so I followed the guide for that exact scenario here:



Anyways, I got to the part to identify the parity drive using the unassigned disk plugin. I assigned the unmountable drive to the parity and the other 2 to the data drives and started the array up. And... one of the data drives is showing up as unmountable to the array and the parity drive is only rebuilding one drive in the array (only rebuilding 6tb, where my array has 12tb of usable storage). When I saw this I was scared shitless, I might have just lost my data because I fucked something up even though I followed that guide through. Can anyone tell me if I made a mistake or am I good to go?



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It all depends on whether you made a mistake and assigned the wrong drive to parity (which would mean that the contents are now overwritten). :(


If you did NOT assign the wrong disk to parity then the way to handle unmountable array drives is covered here in the online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.


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