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Cannot connect to shares via VPN

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Evening all,


So I am only about 2 weeks into UnRaid and so far things have more or less been cozy. I have it set up for Plex, file share, and Wireguard VPN. The issue that I am running into now is that I cannot get into the folder shares that I set up from laptops running the Wireguard VPN. I can get into them just fine from my PC on LAN, and my phone running the VPN.


One of these machines is my work computer running Windows 10 Enterprise, and the other is my GF's laptop running Windows 10 Home. Both of these computers can access the internet while running the VPN, and on the server side they are able to be pinged and successful handshakes all around, but if I try and ping the server from either laptop via name or IP all I get is "General failure".


I have read through the general threads for the past few hours, including the "Windows issues with unRAID" thread that seems to contain a lot of help that unfortunately has not helped me. 


So far:


 - On both machines I have enabled SMB v1

 - On the Enterprise computer I enabled connection from unsecure devices

 - Restarted

 - Cleared any Windows credentials (only present on the Home laptop)

 - Reloaded the VPN config

 - Tried both name and IP of server


I am really hoping that this is one of those, "What are you, stupid?" type of moments, and I am just missing something obvious. I also likely have not provided nearly as much information as you might need, but really my mind is fried at this point from all the articles on SMB.

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@itimpi I have it set up as "Remote tunneled access" if that is what you mean. I tried to use it as \\TOWER\Public with the user credentials I set up on the UnRAID side of things with no luck. I then tried it via IP \\192.168.x.106\Public but got the same result. It thinks for a few seconds and then just fails with the standard message telling me to check the spelling. 


Mainly I am just confused as to how the server can communicate and ping the laptops, but they cannot reach it

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@itimpi So I checked things again now that I actually have some free time, but unfortunately things have not changed. I have tried connecting via the Name of the server as well as the IP but it always just eventually leads me back to the "Check the spelling" error that Windows spits out once it cannot connect. I actually made one bit of "progress" (kind of) where the laptop I was working on I could get it to ping successfully if I targeted the apparent public IP of the VPN server. Unfortunately this did not actually help me connect to the server at all. Honestly it has been so long that I have forgotten some of the steps that I have already tried, but from everything I can find online this should just work once you have everything set up. 


I am not trying to be difficult or come off as purely complaining, but one of the reasons I decided to go with UnRAID was because of everything I had read, both about how easy it was to setup and use, and (more importantly) how helpful the community is. Unfortunately as of right now I just don't see either of that, I'm sorry.


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Have you tried connecting via the server address inside the tunnel?  I think it will be something like but you can check this under Settings==>VPN Manager (may have toggle on Advanced view to see this).


Also, what subnet is your local LAN using and what subnet is the client machine using?

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@itimpi Before I answer your question let me first apologize for my earlier comments. While I am frustrated by the current situation lashing out like that doesn't help anyone, and I appreciate your help.


In regards to your suggestion about connecting via the server address in the tunnel that did unfortunately not work. I did check the Subnet of my local LAN and it appears to be, while the laptop I am attempting to set this up on is connected to the Wireguard VPN with the Subnet is

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2 hours ago, CuriousMind said:

@itimpi Before I answer your question let me first apologize for my earlier comments. While I am frustrated by the current situation lashing out like that doesn't help anyone, and I appreciate your help.


In regards to your suggestion about connecting via the server address in the tunnel that did unfortunately not work. I did check the Subnet of my local LAN and it appears to be, while the laptop I am attempting to set this up on is connected to the Wireguard VPN with the Subnet is

I did not mean the subnet mask but the actual subnet (e.g. 192.168.0.x) .   

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/23/2021 at 3:05 PM, itimpi said:

I did not mean the subnet mask but the actual subnet (e.g. 192.168.0.x) .   

I am really sorry for my late reply. I did not see this response pop up in my email, and I have been traveling for business. 


Feeling dumb for mistaking what you were asking for, so "whoops" on my part. The local LAN is 192.168.0.x, and the laptop is getting 10.253.0.x. If this is my issue then I am confused. I thought setting things up through DuckDNS was supposed to take care of this side of things? They are both pointed to the same DNS server. Granted at this point it has be a long while since I have been able to have time to work on it, so I likely sound like a complete pleb.

Edited by CuriousMind
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  • 1 month later...

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