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Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout

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Hi, I've shucked two drives, added them to my server and I have this unmountable partition error. I tried formatting the drives (I had the same problem with the the drive I added before these guys and it had worked after formatting.) but it didn't work. I'm attaching the diagnostics, can someone please help :(


FYI - I haven't pre-cleared the drives. Don't know how to do it. And I've added all the drives before these without preclearing.


And couldn't upload the diagnostic file here, so I'm sharing on google drive: here



OK, OK! I did it. Maybe it'll help someone having the same problem as me. So this is what i did.


I had mounted these two drives before adding them to the array. (I don't know why lol) So, I took them out of the array, unmounted them and added to the array again. And then formatted. It's working now!

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