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The eternal 'Web GUI' doesn't start / disconnects


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G’day Unraid’ers


Having had some prior issues with booting …i.e USB fails to load completely, I decided to swap it out for a new USB.


Got myself a new licence and keys etc and then copied over the config backup (from previous USB) that i had.


Now,,,,,When i boot Unraid in normal mode the web GUI is not accessible, but the server address is pingable for around 5 minutes, then  ping: sendto: Host is down.


This results in a manual hard reset....ouch

Unclean shutdown detected.


If i boot into safe mode with NO plugins, I am able to access the web GUI and have provided the following diagnostics.


I’ll be honest I’m not a linux genius and would love some help.


Thanks very much in advance


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Not much to suggest other than one of your plugins seems to be the issue so you need to find out which one:

  • Rename all the .plg files in the config folder on the flash drive to have an extension other that .plg (this will stop them being loaded in normal mode)
  • Rename the ones you want to test back to having a .plg extension
  • Reboot the server to see if it now works in normal mode.
  • Repeat as necessary to identify the culprit(s)
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