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unraid crashed isp modem

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hey geys,


sinds 03-01 I have had many problems  with my whole network. After a lot of crying and troubleshooting, I came to the conclusion that every time Unraid connects to the network, my modem from my ISP and or my routers crashes.

I just don't know what's really wrong it.


I have restarted it (I know it's not windows but who knows)

updated all the dockers

updated all the plugins

deleted a couple of plugins I don't use

disabled docker in the settings


But I keep getting the  same problems




Edited by brainbudt
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  • 4 months later...

So I am actually running into a very similar problem. It seems that having more than just a few dockers running will crash my ISP modem. What's weird is that this hasn't been an issue for almost 3 months, where it last popped up then mysteriously disappeared. I have a few dockers running and everything is stable, but starting anymore than this will cause the modem to crash. Everything else in the network stays functional, all the Ubiquiti gear, routers, switches, but it's the ISP modem that is crashing. 


Following this thread to see if there's any helpful advice given here.

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