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CPU Isolation - VM not starting


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Hi All,


I am trying to get some more performance out of my Gaming VM. I am trying to use CPU Isolation to provide the guest with isolated corse but the VM will not boot. When I turn the VM on, the screen lights up (much like it's detected the VM powering on) but then goes off and the VM does not come up. It doesn't crash in Unraid, it just won't start. I then have to Force Stop it to get it to stop.


I have a 6 core ryzen 5 and have cores 1,7,3,9,4,10,5 and 11 Pinned to this VM and then have also isolated the same cores! What am I doing wrong here?


When I change the config back (removing CPU isolation) and reboot the server, the VM starts fine.


Thanks in advance :)

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39 minutes ago, Trollski said:



Also a Newbie so please forgive if its something you also may have tried.. 😃


Have you tried without Isolation to see if this will then boot?



Yes, I have tried removing the CPU Isolation and the VM boots fine :) Just can't work out why it won't boot with it enabled!


Thanks though :)

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On 1/23/2022 at 9:28 PM, Trollski said:



Might be worth disabling one of the isolation cores and see what happens might be locking up some where, Other then that im about as stumped =/

I can give that a go. I assume it would cause probelms but only 1 way to find out I suppose!


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