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UNRAID WON'T BOOT - STUCK AT /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -i /var/run/rsyslogd.pid (SOLVED)

Go to solution Solved by Navyjoker,

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Hi everyone,


I cannot boot into my Unraid server. It gets stuck at:

Starting rsyslogd daemon:

/usr/sbin/rsyslogd -i /var/run/rsyslogd.pid


I have tried:

- plugging flash into PC, make backup of my 'config' folder.  Then reformatting the usb flash - volume labelling it UNRAID - then copying over release from zip file.  Next clicking 'make_bootable' as administrator, and then dragging my 'config' file backup to the flash.

- putting it in my windows pc and it finds a fault and it restores it. After that I ran the command chkdsk [drive] /f /r /x.

- a different thumb drive

- a different usb 2.0 port


I can reformat the drive and unzip the Unraid file onto the thumb drive and everything without removing and replacing the config file and it will typically allow me to boot into Unraid, but then I have to set everything back up again. So I don't know if it has to do with my config file, or that I am shutting down improperly or what - but every single time I try to shut down or reboot, it goes back.


Seeing as though if I use the new config file it works, I feel as if it has to do with something in my config file.


I have researched other posts and can't find a clear answer as to:

how I can boot in again with my current config folder (so I don't have to start over), and

how I can prevent this from ever happening again


Thank you in advance for any assistance provided!


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  • Solution

After reading more about this, I decided to start over and try a few things:


1. I made sure and stopped my array before shutting down

2. I downloaded and used the "Open Files" app to see what else I had opened

3. I stopped all Dockers

4. I followed the guide here to update the timers


Then I did a shutdown, and it worked perfectly!


I was unaware of just how easy it is to have an "Unclean shutdown", that then effects your booting back up!

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  • Navyjoker changed the title to UNRAID WON'T BOOT - STUCK AT /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -i /var/run/rsyslogd.pid (SOLVED)

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