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How do i use GoDaddy API with SWAG (LetsEncrypt)

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First, apologies if I am posting it in a wrong forum. 


My DNS provider is GoDaddy. I have their API's and getting a success response in console/command window. Here is an example;


curl -X GET -H "Authorization: sso-key [Key value]" "https://api.ote-godaddy.com/v1/domains/available?domain=example.guru"

I have created a CNAME in GoDaddy DNS, "local". My FQDN is local.example.guru. If I do nslookup, i am getting answer.


My router has port 80/443 opened and pointed to SWAG container in unRAID.  The problem;  Where do I put GoDaddy API in SWAG to generate SSL Certificates ? Can someone point my in the right direction?


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