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[guide] import vm from proxmox backup to unraid


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Moving from Proxmox VE to Unraid I only found partial information about migrating virtual machines from Proxmox backup (.vma - file) to unraid.


So this is the guide how I did it:

  1. I had backups of my virtual machines in *.vma format (uncompressed). If your backup is compressed, you first need to uncompress it to get the vma-file.
  2. vma is a special proxmox backup file which has to be extracted too. The easiest way for me was this python project: vma-extractor on Github. I used my working python install in Linux, you'll fin executables for other systems here: python.org
  3. Download the vma.py from Github.
  4. usage is very simple:
    vma.py your-proxmox-backup.vma /new/export/directory

    "directory" will be created by the script, don't create it yourself!
     This will perhaps last several hours without output!

  5. In the new "directory" you will find several files, the biggest one is your raw image. Copy it to your unraid server and rename it to something.img

  6. Create a new VM in unraid web GUI, try to use the same settings as in Proxmox VE.
    Change "Primary vDisk Locatiion" from "Auto" to "Manual" and insert the path of you img:

  7. Start VM and enjoy!


I was really surprised, at least my Win 11 VM worked from the start without any changes.

Edited by KaBo
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  • 4 months later...

I was looking for the same info, thank you! I just migrated a debian VM from proxmox to unraid and I am amazed how easy it was!

One thing I'd like to add is that proxmox itself is capable of extracting a vma file. :)

So if you still have access to your proxmox system you just have to open the shell and then

cd /path/where/you/store/your/vma
vma extract  [name].vma -v /target/folder/to/extract/to

to extract the raw image. :)


Edited by cholzer
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  • 1 year later...

I tried this with a Windows Server 2022 VM that I'm trying to migrate across.  When I tried booting the VM on Unraid, it failed with an "inaccessible boot device" error.

For some reason, the VirtIO driver was working fine with Proxmox, but the VM can no longer see my VirtIO drives when running under Unraid. I had to switch the drives from VirtIO to SATA to get them to appear. Now it's booting fine.


For testing, I added a new VirtIO vdisk, but don't see it at all in Device Manager. I've tried reinstalling the virtio Windows drivers but it didn't fix it. Needs more investigation.


Edit: I solved this by reinstalling the viostor driver via DISM: https://superuser.com/a/1200899

Edited by Daniel15
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  • 6 months later...

Brilliant. Got it working. Yes just choosing SATA for the img worked. Leaving the windows drivers iso as IDE.

Migrated 2 across, 1 linux VM for homeassistant and another for windows with blueiris.
Good to have a backup. Not sure if I'm going to stick with these VM's on unraid or proxmox yet.
Still good to be able to spin them up if I don't have proxmox.


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  • 6 months later...

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