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Options for multiseating besides ASTER


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I have been trying to find a way to have multiple users use the same computer at once because I didn't want multiple VMs in UnRAID. After some research I found that the term for this is multiseating. So far, I have only found two products that meet my needs. One is called ASTER (https://www.ibik.ru/) and the other is MultiPoint but it is defunct and last available on Windows Server 2016 as a server role. ASTER is pretty good. There are a few minor issues. The others I've seen are for cloud, VDI, or remote. I'm looking for something that will let me plug in multiple monitors, keyboards, and mice. Does anyone know of any other options

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  • 6 months later...

linux has native support for multiseat
all implementations have their quirks, advantages, and shortcomings.

ASTER seems to be the best solution short of linux or virtual machines.

For windows users ASTER will continue to be the best solution until microsoft decides to make multiseat a standard windows home feature.... which they should have a decade ago.

ASTER now has improved support for steam, no longer requiring sandboxie.
ASTER still costs more than it should, though if you're already considering buying a 2nd machine then it's well worth it buying a 3 seat lifetime license.

And unlike VMs, ASTER multiseat (and linux) do not require partitioning of the hardware, each seat has the potential to use 100% of the system resources.
the vast majority of games have no problems, usually happy to share the install directories.

there are however many edge cases, no solution is perfect.

when the alternatives to ASTER are learn linux or host a bunch of virtual machines, Installing ASTER on your current windows install is an easy choice.
it even has a free trial (and would probably see way more sales if 2 seats was free for noncomercial use... 2 seats is a tease compared to the 12 seats ASTER supports.

and no need to worry about partitioning GPUs, aster does't worry about any of that.... it just works.

server2016 with a bunch of win10 VMs is always an option, albeit with limitations in what hardware/driver combinations you can use (mostly modern nvidia and contemporary AMD)


Edited by mirddes
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