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Wireguard access to dockers with custom IP?

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I've set up an adguard container with a custom ip at and I want to use it as a dns server for my phone to block ads (as well as another dns server for ssl purposes set as an upstream dns server) when i'm on the go. Unfortunately it seems that wireguard can't see docker containers with custom ip addresses. I've set my static route as such destination: subnet mask: Gateway: from my router. In the wireguard settings i've selected No for Local server uses NAT. Despite this i'm still unable to reach my dns server container from my phone using my vpn peer. And now that i'm getting into ssl certificates since I'm trying to set up PhotoPrism with my phone (and the app i'm using on my phone requires ssl) it's all the more important that I'm able to get my phone to be able to see my custom dns server from abroad

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