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New old hardware issues.

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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I'm running UnRAID 6.9.2

My old MB died.  I bought a used MB and CPU.  I was able to switch all of my hardware to the new machine and things looked like it was going to work fine.  For a time, I was only able to connect via local host on the physical machine.  Note:  I am running UnRAID on bare metal and not as a VM or docker or anything.  Straight from the USB drive.


I had issues with my static IP which took me a while to find and correct.  I have removed the static reservation from my network.


Now when I boot up, I get the Firefox browser telling me that it cannot connect to the localhost.  Google seaching has not helped.


I have tired different USB ports and all have the behavior.

I tried different network ports on my switch.

I was able to add a different NIC and that did not help.


I've modified the network.cfg many times but am currently running with this:

# Generated settings:
BONDNICS[0]="eth0 eth1"


I've tried turning DHCP on then off on various tries.

I have turned off IPv6.


I've not messed with any of the other config files.


I am able to get into the UEFI and make any changes I want and I get good picture during boot and even in the GUI.  The hardware seems to work fine.

Using a Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R (rev. 1.0) with newest firmware and a Xeon W3690 and 24 GB DDR3 RAM.

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That worked.  Thank you very much.  Now on to the next issue.  One of my HDDs did not survive.  It died when I lost the MB aparently.  It was half expected.  I'll do my Google-Fu and if I can't get it, I know where to ask.  Thank you again.


Oh.  I will reserve the IP via DHCP reservation going forward. 

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