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Fixing Disk Order when you have 2 Parity discs

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hey All,


As you can see I am missing Disk 3 above and would like to shift everything up from Disk 4 up one.


Can anyone tell me a method I can do this ?


It is okay if I have to rebuild one of the parity drives but as long as I don't have to rebuild both.



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  • Solution

Changing the drives to different slots invalidates parity2, but parity1 is unaffected.


You could do what you want by:

  • use the New Config tool using the option to keep current assignments
  • go to the Main tab and unassigned parity2 and put the data drives into the slots you want
  • check the option to say parity is valid
  • start the array to commit the revised assignments.   Since you ticked the parity is valid checkbox the drives should all mount fine and parity1 is NOT rebuilt
  • stop the array
  • assign parity2 
  • start the array to start the build of the parity2 contents.
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