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Qs about passing a GPU to Windows on a VM

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I'm trying to run a windows 10/11 VM on UnRaid.  When I select the GPU and its associated sound card to pass thru and then attempt to boot the system locks up.  I'm curious since its a 5950x with no onboard video or other card installed does there still need to be a GPU accessible to Unraid for unraid to function?  The VBios is good since I ripped it directly from the card and I started with a very basic win 11 in VNC which booted perfectly fine then added the GPU and now its an instant lockup.  

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3 hours ago, ghost82 said:

Hi, sorry but your description says nothing, it could be 1000 different things.

Attach diagnostics file after you passthrough the gpu and maybe there will be something useful to read there to solve the issue.

I'm asking if UnRaid itself requires a GPU to operate.  

Edited by Uleepera
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