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[6.9.2/6.10.0] Deleted all my docker template files, any chance of retrieving them?

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Edit: Re-writing this entire post because I finally understand what happened.


My original post mentioned how my dockers randomly had (?) before upgrading to 6.10.0 and blah blah. Light bulb moment from finding this reddit comment on Google. Before updating I also ran Cleanup Appdata and mass deleted everything as is habit and as has never been an issue. I now vaguely remember one of them having dockerMan on it which I didn't know what it was at the time. Learned what that is and learned my lesson the hard way. But no clue why that showed up today for the first time. Any ideas?


Regardless, my /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/ folder is empty. I have a flash backup but it's from March 2021 so it's missing some things. I have the Unraid.net My Servers plugin but it's only giving me the option to download a flash backup from a time after I deleted it.


Luckily I can just re-set these up but a few of these had some pretty unique variables and configs I'm worried I won't remember.


Any chance of getting an older flash backup from My Servers? Any chance of some sort of data recovery I can do?

Edited by s449
Rewrote thread, realized the issue
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  • s449 changed the title to [6.9.2/6.10.0] Deleted all my docker template files, any chance of retrieving them?

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