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new router, port forwarding, domain name dropping people into unraid dashboard

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the title says it all in a nut shell


I was having issue's with my provider's modem/router not allowing a minecraft server

I have a domain name

bought a router

connected my unraid machine on a dmz and for good measure port forwarded www and minecraft ports

attempted to connect success so happy .. much joy


flipped over to my url to check my web site and low and behold I'm in my unraid dashboard ..


panic mode .. unplug ethernet cable from unraid

connect laptop direct to unraid ( can't connect any more )


back to new router shut down dmz


repeat earlyer event of finding unraid dashboard


I'm stumped and cant connect to unraid server with out having it open to the internet





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25 minutes ago, Blind_lemon said:

connected my unraid machine on a dmz

Doing this is almost certain to result in your server being hacked so is strongly discouraged.   If the Unraid server is in the dmz then ALL ports can be accessed from the internet.


What release of Unraid are you trying to use?    What URL are you trying to use to access the URL.  What setting do you have for SSL (you might need to look in the ident.cfg file on the flash drive).

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Using port forwarding no reason to have it in DMZ.  If you are running a website from the unraid server you will need to change the unraid GUI ports to anything other than 80/443 in Settings->Management Access.  Then just port forward 80 (http) and/or 443 (https) to your unraid server.  

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