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Issues connecting Qbit/Deluge with unRAID

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Hi All,

Just finally completed my migration of 60TB/2 parity array this morning and think I finally have everything completely set up!  Thanks to all the amazing people here and on reddit that provided support.  I just have one last hurdle...having my downloaders connectable so I can seed properly.  Previously was on a windows machine and had 0 issues with the method I'm using.  I even tried using the same port (old machine decommissioned) and canyouseeme.org is showing it as blocked.  I confirmed that my plex docker port is working fine for remote access.  has anyone had any similar issues?  The tracker recommends using a port between 49152-65535. 


According to this page the ones I've tried arent blocked on the ATT network - https://about.att.com/sites/broadband/network


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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3 minutes ago, jmztaylor said:

My quick guess is that the ports aren't forwarded on your router.  I think Windows apps would use uPnP to open the ports automatically.  Try setting up port forwarding in your router for that port to see if that works

Thanks for the reply!  I opened the port in my router's firewall as I did previously with my windows machine.  I did the same for my plex server port which is run off my unraid machine which is being read properly according to canyouseeme.org.  Not sure if port forwarding and opening incoming traffic is the same but when I try to look up port forwarding for ATT routers it provides the steps I followed.

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