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Cache system like unraid for linux system.


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Is there any current solution that is reasonably easy to setup for a ubuntu system.


I am looking for the same cache setup as unraid. I have say a 6tb spinning drive that I want to pull data from my network to store on it but that is the bottle neck in the data transfer.

Boot and working drive is a 1tb nvme that I would like to also act as a cache so that transfers from the network get sucked onto the cache drive then like mover on unraid move that data to the spinning drive at some stage.


Is there anything like that out there that exists ??  

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5 hours ago, JaseNZ said:

Is there any current solution that is reasonably easy to setup for a ubuntu system.

I believe Unraid is mostly Arch. I'm not a Linux expert, but I believe Ubuntu is mostly Debian.


Maybe it's like asking Windows and Mac to be friends?



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