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[Solved] BIOS Update Now Second GPU Set as Primary

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I've spent three weeks trying to solve this.

  • Update to 6.10.3 and wouldn't boot. Forum posts from a multitude of people state that a bios update was a solution
  • Updated to latest bios, Unraid now boots, but bios screen is outputing on GPU 2, GPU 3 says "Unable to power on,stuck in D3"
  • Rolled back to Unraid 6.9.2 and rolled back to an older bios. GPU 2 & 3 now work, GPU 1 isn't the primary GPU anymore and it works for about 10 seconds then shuts down after windows loads. However, it doesn't have any problem displaying the windows repair menu for 10 minutes.

I don't know if this is a bios problem, or driver problem. All the problems started with the bios update suggesting a bios problem. However, GPU 1 is working normally until windows loads suggests a driver issue? Why isn't GPU 1 the primary GPU and why is it powering down?


UPDATE: The BIOS update included the addition of APM Advanced Power Management. The primary GPU would not be picked up as primary GPU and would shut down after two minutes and give a 'could not power on, stuck in D3' error which led me to believe it could be the power saving feature powering down the primary GPU. So I made sure APM was set to disabled, but it didn't fix the problem. I was about to pull the GPU out and send it back under warranty, as a last hail Mary I set APM to enable. F*ck me, everything is working!?. WTF??? It doesn't make sense?. You'd think that setting APM to disable would leave the GPU on all the time by default?.

Edited by PeteyBoPetey
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  • PeteyBoPetey changed the title to [Solved] BIOS Update Now Second GPU Set as Primary

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