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Level 2 Certification : JetWay JHZ03-GT-V2-LF


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Unfortunately, a little of this is based on honor system in a way (when it all breaks down), as I keep forgetting that whenever a reboot is done, the syslog is overwritten.  That said,  this build has been up and running since April 16, 2011, 24/7 -- 2.8 TB's were transferred to the unRaid box via network, or approximately 46% of total data on the array.


http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=13411.0  -- is the latest reason for the break in syslog's, I really hadn't expected to have the one going from 05/19 until today to be overwritten.


On May 25th I added the UPS, thus the break between the 19th and 25th (it was this day I burnt it into my mind to remember that a reboot means overwritten syslog), little good that did for me today (link above explaining that ordeal).


http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=13074.0 -- is the level 1 certification post.


I've experienced no issues of any kind, especially given today's improper shutdown and 0 errors after parity check, I couldn't be happier.


Enclosing what syslogs I do have.


*fixed dates


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