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All HTTPS Traffic Redirects to UNRAID GUI

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Hi Everyone,

First time poster who's at their my wits end.


For the longest time my Windows 11 Daily Driver VM has been unable to access any of my Docker WebUI's on my UNRAID Server.


It's been a mild inconvience as I have been able to access them fine from my laptop and phone.


But recently I wanted to setup an internal reverse proxy using Nginx Proxy Manager and....


Welp everything ends up directing right back to the UNRAID gui.


For example I setup "gotify.homenetwork.net" and I end up at the UNRAID login page.


I've been reading a lot online that there's concerns about conflicts between UNRAID, ports 80 + 443 and NPM. So, I doubled checked in Management Access on UNRAID. Both ports have long ago been changed.


In a hail mary attempt to make sure I didn't mess something up in the setup.

I setup an NPM in Portainer on an old Ubuntu Server.


And... I hit some of those dockers on the Ubuntu Server no problem. Actually I really like how quick and easy it is.


Then I tried to hit the dockers on my UNRAID Server and....

I was welcomed once again by the UNRAID gui login screen.


I appreciate any advice anyone has, as I am just really really confused.

If there's anymore information, further details or clarification I can provide please do not hesitate to ask.


Thanks in advance!




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