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copying from one unRAID to another unRAID


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Hi All-


  I searched for the answer to this, but couldn't find an answer.  I would appreciate anyone's insight:

I am trying to copy data from one unRAID tower to a different unRAID tower.  What would be the best/fasted way to do this?  I am a Linux novice, and couldn't seem to figure out how to have Telnet handle this.


I have a lot of data I want to copy, so any help is appreciated!


Many thx-


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you have a couple options.


1. Fastest:  Put the drives from the old server into the new server (even just one at a time).  Telnet in, mount the drives (you might get to learn the mount command) and copy.

2. Slower:  Telnet into the new server.  Mount the shares from the old server on the new server (again, mount command).  Copy the files from the old to the new.

3. Slowest:  Open two windows on your PC and drag from one to the other.


Any way you do it, veryify the file sizes of the new files.  I've had some issues with large (1TB total) file copies not completing correctly (doing either option 2 or 3).

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