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(SOLVED) Can access CLI, can't access GUI, can ping machine and machine can access internet

Go to solution Solved by ehawman,

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Background: Server was hiccupping its way through life since I was on a 14TB external hard drive (bad, shame on me). I didn't have money for a new drive so I've let it sit idle for about a month and change. I have since purchased an internal 14TB drive and wish to use it as the parity so I can shuck the external and make everything right.


So I boot it up, and My Servers reports it is signed out.




I can't access the GUI via the local address because of networking rules that I didn't have the slightest ideas about at the time of setup (and honestly barely have a better grasp of now).


I can, however, SSH in, which is how I discovered that my SDA1 drive needed an xfs_repair done. Did it. Cool. It mounts now. I can access the shared drive from my desktop!


GUI? Nope.


At this point I'm quite stumped. Unraid tower can talk to local devices and the web. I can ping it, I can SSH into it, I can see it starting up services and whatnot.


Currently on 6.10.3 but will be upgrading once everything is sorted.


Attached is the syslog from my machine (been fighting off a cold or something which is why the long time gap). Thanks in advance to the tech wizards on here.


EDIT: Breakthrough! I ran cat/ /etc/nginx/conf.d/servers.conf and yoinked the server_name URL. Took me to the login screen and I'm now seeing the GUI. *However*, My Servers is still showing me as logged out. On my Unraid server, clicking on my profile in the top right pops up a scary warning.




So yeah I'm scared that if I sign out I'll never be able to sign back in. Going to try updating all my plugins and hope that's the issue...


Edited by ehawman
ironed it out
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hello , i update my device to 6.11 yestoday, then web gui bacame invalid,

here's the log and conf files:


i try to edit servers.conf like this:

server {
    listen 1715 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:1715 ssl http2;
    server_name  ;
    # Ok to use concatenated pem files; nginx will do the right thing.
    ssl_certificate         /boot/config/ssl/certs/certificate_bundle.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key     /boot/config/ssl/certs/certificate_bundle.pem;
    ssl_trusted_certificate /boot/config/ssl/certs/certificate_bundle.pem;
    # OCSP stapling
    ssl_stapling on;
    ssl_stapling_verify on;
    location ~ /wsproxy/1715/ { return 403; }
    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/locations.conf;

then run cmd : /etc/rc.d/rc.nginx start ,failed

and the conf file reverse to init state,

really need some help,thx a lot!!


by the way , ssh and smb share are still valid,thank god!

Edited by stepehn311
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  • ehawman changed the title to (SOLVED) Can access CLI, can't access GUI, can ping machine and machine can access internet

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