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System unresponsive

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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ive been using my intake server mainly to run plex but recently I had to rebuild my docker.img. 

after rebuilding my gui tabs would be unresponsive and plex wouldn’t work and am forced to restart my server as I’m not able to get diagnostic data. I also had an issue where I couldn’t shutdown my server and it looked on the gui as my cpu was running 100%

I restarted my server and check the logs and I got the attached screenshot


i pulled the diagnostics as well and wanted to see if anyone could help me identify what might be wrong with my server. 



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I'm no pro but this seems to be corruption on the drive, at least that's what i found in my search. Again don't act as i did unless you want to try... i ended up having a week old backup of my app data folder and just reformatted my cache into XFS and it's been working fine since. Oddly enough i didn't have a issue in over 2 years before the 6.11 update but could be coincidental that it happen at the same time as a upgrade.

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