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nextcloud (knex666) + swag = 502 Bad Gateway

Go to solution Solved by CptRetro,

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Hello all,

A brief history before I explain the problem.


I did my first unraid configuration at the beginning of the year and made some irreperable mistakes. But what always worked was to run swag together with nextcloud. I always orrientated myself on the videos of spaceinvader one.


Now I have replaced my mATX Unraid system with an ITX one and have also started the configuration completely from scratch. In my first configuration earlier this year I used the nextcloud container from linuxserver. Now I am using the official container from knex666 and I always get a 502 bad gateway. In the nextcloud.subdomain.conf I also tried with the IP of the container and the port but the result didn't change.


This is what I got from the error.log:
2022/11/29 17:44:45 [error] 359#359: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: nextcloud.*, request: "GET /login HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "nextcloud.my.domain"
2022/11/29 17:44:45 [error] 359#359: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: nextcloud.*, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "nextcloud.my.domain", referrer: "https://nextcloud.my.domain/login"


Any idea what it could be?


Best regards, Cpt

Edited by CptRetro
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