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(exp) JetWay JHZ03-GT-V2-LF AM3 880G Micro ATX AMD Motherboard - $55.99 shipped!


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Just an FYI, because I was not exactly sure what I was getting ordering open box. This mobo arrived yesterday as factory fresh as can possibly be expected: original box, all accessories - every one of them (mobo included) wrapped up neat and sealed up air tight, looked and smelled good as new. I think the cellophane must have been removed from the outer box accidentally, because everything inside was brand spanking new, and no missing serial numbers (unlike a n router I was looking at). Gotta love that new electronics smell ;D A whopping 2 things missing from my build now, Antec 1200 ($150) and pro license ($120) 8) Oh, and 13 more HDDs, I only have 3 WD20EARS ....

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Nice!  Consider yourself lucky.  I've gotten open box mobos before that were just the mobo, no accessories whatsoever.  Often finding the right IO panel can negate the money you saved by going open box in the first place, so that's the gamble in my opinion.

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