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Docker App unable to view contents of mounted NFS Share

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Current setup:

Unraid v6.11.5

Synology DSM 7.1.1

- Synology hosts a folder called Media and is shared out by SMB and NFS, the NFS share is read-only and the SMB user has read-only access to the share (no guest access)

- Have Unassigned Devices mounting the folder with both protocols (one is using the FQDN, the other just the HOST name)

- Both mount points show the same data as expected

- I have binhex-plexpass container running (attached the docker compose file)

- Plex doesn't see the data under NFS path

- I can use the console to list the folder contents on both but when I do "su nobody", I get a permission denied when listing the NSF share

- This WAS working with a QNAP NFS share prior


I'm sure this is a permission issue but not quite sure how to proceed


dgunraid-diagnostics-20230208-1952.zip plexpass_dockerrun.txt

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Okay for those curious, yes indeed it was a permission issue. I think due to me using the WEBUI on the Synology to transfer the data from the QNAP -> Synology, "users" group somehow didn't get added to the Media folder. Once I explicitly gave the "users" group read only acces, the Plex app was able to access the data.


TL;DR -> Make sure the permissions are set correctly and have both users AND groups added.

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